Thursday, December 4, 2014

Men's Night, Thurs. Dec 11  50-60% OFF!

Why be the typical male who procrastinates shopping for Christmas gifts?  Men's Night is a long tradition at Bove Jewelers for a reason--men need help!  Whether it's help picking out that perfect gift for your loved ones, or to get help wrapping your gift so it looks like an adult did it, we are here to get you through it. 

Not only that, we know you enjoy coming in for all the delicious food and drink we provide, in addition to the male camaraderie over successfully completing your shopping. 

Did I mention  50-60% Off?
You got it.  Just come in and say hello, look around, and before you know it, your shopping is complete!  Imagine your Christmas shopping done by December 11th---NICE! 

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